Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Beliefs Revisited

The past few months I've spent some time unpacking my Christian faith. It's been a slow, but fruitful, experience. Where I am at right now is rest stop, rather than a destination, and I am taking the time to outline some of what I've been learning.

As part of my journey, I've tried to look every aspect of my faith. I've expored everything from what I believe about sin (I found my view was far too lenient), to salvation (I rediscovered just how much I need a Savior), to prayer (which is a journey I'm still on), to the Scriptures/Bible, to Charismatic gifts, to the role the Church should play in society, to the way Christians should act.

In some cases, this reinforced what I believed - which led to worship. In other cases, my study led to repentance....which, again, let to worship. And, in some cases, I've been left pondering...and that has led to worship.

I look forward to sharing some of my thoughts with you.

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