Friday, March 23, 2007

$10 Bill

Sometimes living means accepting the small blessings. Walking the 5 blocks between bus transfers, I happened upon a $10 bill. Crumpled like an old napkin, it looked as if it was discarded without regard for the litter it contributed.

Looking around for the rightful owner, and seeing precious few individuals, I picked it up. I thought about the significance of $10. What, really, is $10 in the canvas of life? A lunch? 1/2 the cost of a skim, decaf, mochachino (carob instead of chocolate) with a non-dairy topping? Bus fare for a few rides?

Will the old owner really miss it? It was probably missed yesterday. Next week - possibly. Next week - doubtful. Next year - what $10? I can waste $10 in less creative ways than merely losing it while searching for my car keys.

For me, the $10 bill was two high-fat, low nutrition, breakfast burritos...and $7.50 to spare. It was a small blessing and a small encouragement. I felt that I was being looked after, as if God was saying, "I see you. This is a gift to let you know you are special to Me."

$10. What's it really worth?


Asa said...

honey, you don't really drink that kind of mochachino you described do you? honey?

i'm glad you are seeing the blessing in your little money discovery.

btw, can i borrow a buck? you see there's this bag i want...


AKVeek said...

I've come to where when I find money just lying around I stop and think before picking it up. How's my day been going so far? Is it likely that someone else will come along and find it if I leave it there? If my day is already going pretty good, why not leave it to brighten someone else's day? Although, I've never had a good enough day to leave more than a buck behind ;)
